An Indie Developer's Rantings

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stealth Jam, Day 3: The Mistress Lives

The only level I was able to add today is also the biggest challenge in the whole game so far!
Well, when all was said and done, this is what I was able to implement into Moonlight: Mistress of Mischief on the last day of the Stealth Jam:

  • Moonlight's sprite! Still needs Up and Down-facing sprites though.
  • Moonlight's Takedown, for instantly killing enemies. You need to be right on top of a guard to kill them. Hit Space to slash your knife while you are not in a box.
  • Two animations for Moonlight: Idle and Takedown. (the Takedown came out cooler than I expected)
  • Floor tiles, which makes the turrets MUCH more visible!
  • Horizontal Guards (which, at the moment, can't attack, though they're supposed to. Yay bugs!)
  • Turn points for Guards. As of now, to prevent heavy lifting on AI development, guards will work just horizontally (white knights) or vertically (black knights, to be implemented). At some point there will also be knights who can hunt you (red knights) as well as hopefully many other kinds of baddies! Teleporters, magic snipers, maybe spiders that pop out of boxes when you try to hide in them?
  • Three animations for Horizontal Guards: Idle, Attack, and Dead.
  • Level 3 had an odd glitch where you would die for no reason so I rebuilt it from scratch.
  • Level 4 is the last level of the Stealth Jam build and introduces moving enemies. There are a LOT of boxes for you to hide in and block the turrets should you need to. The Red Door is your way out, but there is no visible key at the start of the level. HMM WHAT TO DO?!
  • Moved the score back to the top middle, but visibility on it could be better.
  • Lives changed to an icon of Moonlight's face with an X3, X2, or X1 next to it as planned.
  • Knife icon with selector around it. This area will be used for other items in your inventory as I add them, as well as controls for choosing items.
  • Invincibility/invisibility period of 3 seconds after death. This was implemented to prevent any guards who end up near the Spawn Point right after killing you from killing you repeatedly.
  • Key Spawners. This is actually the feature that excites me the most. There is a tiny line of code in there now that states "Are all the enemies gone? Then spawn key at key spawner." With these I now have even more options for level flow as certain areas can be blocked off until a group of enemies is defeated. I can probably think of more ways to activate key spawners later on. Needless to say they'll work well for boss battles.
Level 2. I showed this one earlier today, but this is how it looks with the new spritework.
Well, that's all for me today. Make sure to check out the latest build! It still is only for Windows. It is also still free, but considering how easy this game is to develop that may change at some point, ya know, when I have more than four levels.

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