An Indie Developer's Rantings

Thursday, May 3, 2012

David Perry's Game Design Challenge

Over the last several days, I have found myself utterly bored by my current game collection. Nothing has really sparked with me, I've had no desire to load up anything too in-depth or too frantic, so I find myself playing The Binding of Isaac over and over and over again, to the point where I have added another 20 hours of playtime to it and have only beaten it one more time (ugh). It's time for a change.

Enter David Perry from Gaikai, who has challenged students to play the Top 100 games on their platform of choice as listed as For me, this would be the PC, however if I can manage it I would also like to throw in some NES/SNES, Gameboy, XBox 360, and PS2, so howabout the Top 20 games from each? I most likely have experience with a good 50% of this list anyway, but that's good because I don't have the money to buy all of these games. However, I have the money to buy a few, and my goal is not to play one a day but one a week. I will then make a video a week (yes, a VIDEO dammit, my own, more intellectual version of a Let's Play) detailing what makes each game fun, what design/graphical tricks are used, and what design patterns stand out to create the core experience of the game.

Over the weekend I'll be loading up on full games/demos for PC, as well as trolling around ebay for some classics for my NES/SNES hybrid machine, my old, dusty Gameboy Pocket, my underused PS2, and my 360 aka "The Netflix Machine."

Long story short, Mr. Perry, I may not be a student but I accept your challenge anyway!


  1. Great! It's a good challenge Dan. - David Perry.

    1. Thanks, David! I'll be posting each update on twitter @shadesofsilver so you can keep track.

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